Showing 1–12 of 33 results

Asmodai Sale

Original price was: $21.25.Current price is: $10.62.
Asmodai The most sinister of the Dark Angels is Brother Asmodai, the Chapter’s oldest and most successful Interrogator-Chaplain. Enemy warriors

Azrael, Supreme Grand Master on Sale

Original price was: $21.25.Current price is: $10.62.
Azrael, Supreme Grand Master Commander Azreal is the present Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels Chapter and he carries

Belial Fashion

Original price was: $18.91.Current price is: $9.46.
Belial To be named the Grand Master of the Deathwing is to be named a lion of the battlefield, a

Codex: Dark Angels (French) Supply

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Codex: Dark Angels (French) Quel que soit l’ennemi, quel que soit le rapport de force, les fiers guerriers Dark Angels

Codex: Dark Angels (Spanish) Supply

Original price was: $29.75.Current price is: $14.88.
Codex: Dark Angels (Spanish) Sin importar el enemigo, ni la desventaja, los orgullosos guerreros de los Dark Angels se niegan

Codex: Dark Angels Discount

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Codex: Dark Angels No matter the foe, regardless of the odds, the proud warriors of the Dark Angels stubbornly refuse

Commemorative Series: Terminator Chaplain Tarentus Sale

Original price was: $29.75.Current price is: $14.88.
Commemorative Series: Terminator Chaplain Tarentus Every Space Marine is roused to war by the litanies of their Chaplains, and never

Dark Angels Chapter Ancient Sale

Original price was: $18.91.Current price is: $9.46.
Dark Angels Chapter Ancient As remnants of the First Legion, the Dark angels carry to battle ancient banners, redolent with

Dark Angels Company Master Hot on Sale

Original price was: $21.25.Current price is: $10.62.
Dark Angels Company Master A Dark Angels Company Master is a formidable tactician who has proven his prowess in battle

Dark Angels Company Veterans Squad Fashion

Original price was: $28.05.Current price is: $14.03.
Dark Angels Company Veterans Squad Veteran Squads represent the finest warriors the company is able to field, gathered together in

Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain on Sale

Original price was: $25.50.Current price is: $12.75.
Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain Silent and intense, watching constantly for any sign of weakness or heresy from their brothers, the Interrogator-Chaplains

Dark Angels Master Lazarus Online Sale

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Dark Angels Master Lazarus Lazarus is a magnificent warrior, welding Enmity’s Edge with all the martial skill expected of the