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Dreamsnare / Leopard Discount

Original price was: $14.40.Current price is: $7.20.
Dreamsnare / Leopard Warstriders are a common sight in a Shaltari army, and for good reason! With very high armour

Firedrake Online

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.
Firedrake DESCRIPTION The Firedrake is a large and lethal gunship which carries the exotic Spatial Disruption Cannon as its primary

Kukri AA Grav-Tanks Online now

Original price was: $13.60.Current price is: $6.80.
Kukri AA Grav-Tanks Facebook Twitter Pinterest Fancy Email DESCRIPTION The Kukri shares the same hull, and thus most of the

Puma / Tegu Warstrider Fashion

Original price was: $14.40.Current price is: $7.20.
Puma / Tegu Warstrider Warstriders are great! Flat out, they’re just fantastic. With high armour, great Passive Saves and massive

Tarantula / Birdeater Battlestrider Discount

Original price was: $14.40.Current price is: $7.20.
Tarantula / Birdeater Battlestrider Battlestriders are smaller, more agile versions of the towering Warstriders. They feature anti-grav assistors and clamps on

Totem Warspire Hot on Sale

Original price was: $13.20.Current price is: $6.60.
Totem Warspire DESCRIPTION The Totem is a particularly unusual unit, (even for the Shaltari.) It has a crew of one