Showing 1–12 of 39 results

Biovore Discount

Original price was: $35.06.Current price is: $14.02.
Biovore The Biovore is a squat, bloated creature – yet no less deadly for all that. Deep within its lumpen

Broodlord Fashion

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Broodlord When Tyranids invade, the Broodlord leads his followers into battle, often appearing from sewers or hidden vents to cause

Carnifex Brood Online

Original price was: $76.50.Current price is: $30.60.
Carnifex Brood Carnifexes are living engines of destruction – towering monsters of unyielding armoured chitin and knotted alien muscle. They

Codex: Tyranids Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Codex: Tyranids The Tyranids are unlike any other race to be encountered by Humanity. They are the ultimate predators; to

Deathleaper Online now

Original price was: $21.04.Current price is: $10.52.
Deathleaper The Deathleaper was created as Hive Fleet Leviathan’s ultimate assassin, but it is much more than that. The Deathleaper

Exocrine Hot on Sale

Original price was: $63.75.Current price is: $25.50.
Exocrine Exocrines are feared for their ability to deal death from afar. The Exocrine is purely a means of transportation

Gargoyle Brood Fashion

Original price was: $30.60.Current price is: $12.24.
Gargoyle Brood Gargoyles are often the first wave of a Tyranid swarm to be seen in battle. Thus a Tyranid

Genestealer Brood Online now

Original price was: $30.60.Current price is: $12.24.
Genestealer Brood Genestealers are legendarily ferocious close combat opponents, with lightning fast reflexes and deadly claws, capable of ripping through

Haruspex Online

Original price was: $63.75.Current price is: $25.50.
Haruspex The Haruspex is a ferocious beast created to consume biomass at a sickening pace. It can devour an entire

Hive Crone Fashion

Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $27.20.
Hive Crone The Hive Crone is a flying monstrosity used by the Tyranids to establish air superiority over prey worlds.

Hive Guard Discount

Original price was: $59.50.Current price is: $23.80.
Hive Guard Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. They are created to guard the

Lictor Online Sale

Original price was: $21.04.Current price is: $10.52.
Lictor Lictors rove ahead of the main Tyranid ground force, scouting the lay of the land and reporting back to