Showing 1–12 of 161 results

Archon Online

Original price was: $24.65.Current price is: $12.32.
Archon The Archons are the masters of the Drukhari Kabals. Regal and monstrous in equal measure, each wields the power

Armiger Helverins Hot on Sale

Original price was: $63.75.Current price is: $25.50.
Armiger Helverins The Armiger Helverin is a fast-moving weapons platform designed to lay down blistering hails of heavy fire while

Armiger Warglaives Discount

Original price was: $63.75.Current price is: $25.50.
Armiger Warglaives Nimble and responsive, Armiger Warglaives lope towards the enemy with purposeful strides. On one arm they wield fearsome

Autarch Online now

Original price was: $22.10.Current price is: $11.05.
Autarch With an unrivalled knowledge and understanding of the art of war, Autarchs are the supreme commanders of the Aeldari

Autarch Skyrunner Fashion

Original price was: $28.05.Current price is: $14.03.
Autarch Skyrunner Aeldari Autarchs are blessed with a total innate understanding of the mechanics – and art – of war.

Beastmaster Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $21.25.Current price is: $10.62.
Beastmaster Over the millennia since Commorragh’s founding its sand-filled arenas have drunk the blood of millions. Each arena has witnessed

Biovore Discount

Original price was: $35.06.Current price is: $14.02.
Biovore The Biovore is a squat, bloated creature – yet no less deadly for all that. Deep within its lumpen

Black Guardian Windriders Online now

Original price was: $42.50.Current price is: $17.00.
Black Guardian Windriders The Black Guardians use swiftness and surprise to tear out the heart of the enemy army, and

Black Guardians Discount

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Black Guardians Bursting into reality in a blaze of multicoloured light, the Black Guardians are Craftworld Ulthwé’s sharpest blades. A

Broodlord Fashion

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Broodlord When Tyranids invade, the Broodlord leads his followers into battle, often appearing from sewers or hidden vents to cause

Callidus Assassin Fashion

Original price was: $27.20.Current price is: $13.60.
Callidus Assassin Capable of infiltrating even the most highly-secure facilities, Callidus Assassins use shape-altering drugs to appear in almost any

Carnifex Brood Online

Original price was: $76.50.Current price is: $30.60.
Carnifex Brood Carnifexes are living engines of destruction – towering monsters of unyielding armoured chitin and knotted alien muscle. They