Showing 61–72 of 161 results

Knight Castellan Fashion

Original price was: $144.50.Current price is: $43.35.
Knight Castellan The Knight Castellan can be likened to a towering fortress, a bastion of Imperial might garrisoned by a

Knight Preceptor Canis Rex Hot on Sale

Original price was: $133.45.Current price is: $40.03.
Knight Preceptor Canis RexThe Knight Preceptor is a Questoris-class close-ranged powerhouse. Its design is intended to exemplify the core tenets

Knight Valiant Discount

Original price was: $144.50.Current price is: $43.35.
Knight ValiantThe Knight Valiant defeats its enemies through the simple principle of applying overwhelming firepower at close proximity. Marching relentlessly

Lhamaean Supply

Original price was: $15.30.Current price is: $7.65.
Lhamaean An Archon’s courtesans will take many strange forms; however the mysterious sisterhood of Lhilitu are desired above all others,

Lictor Online Sale

Original price was: $21.04.Current price is: $10.52.
Lictor Lictors rove ahead of the main Tyranid ground force, scouting the lay of the land and reporting back to

Maleceptor Supply

Original price was: $63.75.Current price is: $25.50.
Maleceptor The Maleceptor is a living vessel for the Hive Mind. Warp energy spears from its eyeless cranium to vaporise

Mawloc Supply

Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $27.20.
Mawloc Mawlocs are huge worm-like creatures with massive razor-toothed maws that act as the entryway to their equally cavernous gullets.

Night Spinner Supply

Original price was: $46.75.Current price is: $18.70.
Night Spinner The Night Spinner is a silent hunter that casts an almost invisible monofilament mesh onto the foe –

Officio Assassinorum Vanguard Detachment Discount

Original price was: $108.80.Current price is: $32.64.
Officio Assassinorum Vanguard Detachment The Execution Forces of the Officio Assassinorum are often deployed into the most nightmarish of war

Old One Eye’s Carnifex Brood Online Sale

Original price was: $76.50.Current price is: $30.60.
Old One Eye’s Carnifex Brood The Carnifex known as Old One Eye is a monster of living legend. When Hive

Ordo Xenos Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus on Sale

Original price was: $29.75.Current price is: $14.88.
Ordo Xenos Lord Inquisitor Kyria DraxusKyria Draxus is an audacious Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos who specialises in the

Prosecutor Squad Online now

Original price was: $41.65.Current price is: $16.66.
Prosecutor Squad Most Assassins operate with stealthy precision, lurking in the shadows – or sometimes in plain sight – and