Juno A2 IFV’s
The Juno infantry fighting vehicle is the primary mode of ground transport for PHR mechanised infantry. Since soldiers are always vulnerable in the open, these well armoured workhorses see a lot of frontline use.
In line with the PHR military doctrine of flexibility, the Juno is also well armed, and able to deal with a variety of threats, depending on configuration. The A2 variant is equipped with a pair of RX-20 ‘Exterminator’ miniguns, able to sweep areas clean of enemy infantry before its precious cargo disembarks. Working together, a group of IFV’s can deal with most enemies on terra-firma, short of main battle tanks.
This increased firepower comes at the cost of reduced transport capacity when compared to UCM equivalents. However, since PHR forces tend to employ small numbers of elite soldiers, a capacity of ten men is normally more than sufficient.
Rules for this unit can be found in the Core Rulebook
10mm Scale
Length: 41mm (gun forward)
Width: 21mm (gun forward)
3 Resin Components each
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted