Praetorian Sniper Teams
Praetorian Snipers can also employ their prolific abilities and high powered rifles in a limited anti-air role. While they cannot engage fast moving aircraft, they can pick out weak spots in loitering fliers, such as fuel lines and engine intakes.
Snipers operate alongside Digital Ghillies, artificial constructs which function both as spotters and urban optical camouflage generators. They function by projecting an optical distortion field over windows and vantage posts, thereby disrupting enemy fire.
This wide range of abilities makes Praetorian Snipers excellent multi-role troops, able to eliminate multiple threats with lethal precision.
Full background and rules can be found in Reconquest: Phase 1
Six 3-man +2 D-Ghillie stands per blister
10mm Scale
30 White metal figures
Supplied with six 45x22mm resin bases
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted